People Photography on aap-srd

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Desire to Exist V/S Rights to Exist !!!

I made this image during my visit to ‘Shanivari Bazar’ in Surat city & this bazaar (market) is famous for second-hand & cheep means of life for many. I had been told, this place is not for civilized people, and it’s dirty like hell. But I just wanted to know about those who live their entire life with in this. This image depicts a brutal part of this place & our society, but for me it’s an eye opening image to many, which talks about absurd & strange distribution of means of life in our society.

We talk about changing the world but some times we can not change a single life on this planet. Changing someone’s life is changing a WORLD for him/her. Action may not always bring result, but there is no result without action.

Saurabh R. Desai,
Aroma Outdoor Art Photography
Enlarge Nature’s Inheritance

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Greatness Guide - Smile

Smile can make a huge difference to a person to whom you are dealing. Smile can overtake someone’s argument and lead the talk to beautiful ending. Smile can change the way people look at you-smile can change the way you look at people.

And Yes,, SMILE works everywhere, with everybody, at every time. Because ‘SMILE’ is the language understood by every religion, country, class & even every face of life can feel it-from a new born baby to 90 years old man.

Who Cry When I Die !!!

The Monk Who Sold His Farrari